Modifying Existing connections

Some versions of Andriod phones and tablets may vary, but these should work for the latest version of the Android OS.

*** Caution, if you have an account with POP and you want to change it to IMAP, you will need to delete the POP account and start over.  If you delete an a POP account it will also delete any email you might have under that device.

  1. Open the Email app
  2. Press the menu key, it may say Inbox
  3. Tap Settings.
  4. Click the account you want to change on the next screen. If you have several accounts this might be part of your issue. You might have incorrect settings in one of the accounts.
  5. To remove the account select it, do not remove if you are unsure
    • Click Remove on the right side
  6. Scroll to the bottom to Advanced settings, select Server settings
  7. Verify the following for the Incoming server
    • IMAP server:
    • Security type: SSL (Accept all certificates)
    • Port: 993
    • IMAP path prefix: nothing should be here, you should see the word optional
  8. Verify the following for the Outgoing server
    • SMTP server:
    • Security type: SSL (Accept all certificates)
    • Port: 465
  9. Verify there is a check in Authentication required before sending emails
    • User name: your email address
    • Password: your password
  10. Tap Done